Dr. Hu has Returned to the Downtown Swedish Campus
Dr. Hu is now seeing his Dermatology patients at Seattle Rheumatology Associates
His beloved cream is back and can be ordered from https://drhusfacecream.com/
Call 206-386-2000 to Schedule an Appointment
Advanced Treatment, Personal Care.
Dr. Hu is once again available for sensible skin advice and non-invasive dermatologic therapies, including: acne, warts, itching, rashes, eczema, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and the diagnosis and treatment of new skin growths that may be benign, precancerous, or skin cancer. Dr Hu has a 30-year history of treating patients with facial irritations, sensitive skin, combination skin, and conditions associated with excessive use of moisturizer and lip balm.
You will receive the best treatments available that will solve your skin problems and achieve your goal of healthy skin while steering clear of ineffective or inefficient therapy. We can offer tried and true treatments, and have the flexibility and experience to tailor in the choices and options that might make the difference for your individual situation. You may already know within yourself that this is the best place for your skincare, or you may be guided by our qualifications to try us out.
Beyond traditional dermatology and treating diseases of the skin hair & nails, Dr. Hu is also excited to practice preventive medicine for the development of optimal health, vitality, overall well-being, and longevity. The foundational benefits of our ancestral lifestyle (the big 4+1: sleep, eat, move, relax, plus challenges) must be adapted into our modern lives. Dr. Hu is also your guide to the latest non-invasive state-of-the-art advances of integrative medicine including:
* balancing the gut microbiome (since traditionally all disease begins in the gut),
* peptide therapy to improve organ function,
* better mitochondrial health for more energy,
* removing senescent cells (aka zombie cells) to slow down the aging process,
* preserving telomeres for cell vitality,
* harnessing exosomes and stem cells (the innate repair system of the body).
Please call 206-386-2000 to schedule an appointment and start your journey towards optimal health.
Dr. Hu is Board Certified in Dermatology and has extensive training from many of the best medical and dermatology programs in the country. Dr. Hu has an excellent reputation and track record in serving the greater Seattle community since establishing his private practice in 1983.
Ultimately this is the secret that makes the difference, and Dr. Hu has had 30 years to learn from his patients through careful observation and thoughtful analysis.
You will also appreciate the care and compassion we have for our patients. We treat everyone as an individual and work to customize your treatment to fit your needs.